Gearing up for Fall

With Labor Day now behind us we begin the much more routine driven fall months. In the life of the church we will again start weekly Sunday School, after school Children’s Ministry and youth groups. It is also a time to get back into other routines which may have slipped over the course of a less structured summer.

One of those events may well be Church itself. Sometimes with so many options during the summer months we end up not getting to church as often as we would like to. I encourage you this fall to get back into the “routine” of going to church each Sunday morning. Not that going to church should be “routine” and just something to do. I believe that God has something for us every time we gather together, even when the Pastor is boring.

I have always believed that if we want God’s blessing we need to live life God’s way. As far as church goes God calls us to assemble. Hebrews 10:25 says “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” So if you have fallen out of the routine of going to church I invite you to come “lets gather together” and see how God blesses.