Next Steps

Today I mailed into our Regional office all the paper work to become an fully affiliated Missionary Church. It has been a long process! I first met with the group of Missionary church Pastors here in Sebewaing almost 7 years ago.  We did an overnight retreat at Bayshore Camp and considered the possibilities of planting a church here in town. Part of that retreat was to do a prayer walk around town and seek the Lord for clarity in this process. After those two days the decision was made to begin to gather a group and start a disciple making ministry.

Beginning in 2008 I made the trip  to Sebewaing from Bay City each Thursday to spend the day in prayer and to gather a launch team. We met in the Elenbaum home until November 2012 when we outgrew that space and began to meet at Faith Bible Baptist Church in downtown Sebewaing on Thursday nights. Our numbers continued to grow and in August 2013 we purchased the former Independent Bank and started to renovate it for church services. Since December 22 we have assembled here to worship the Lord. Recently we started our children and Youth ministry programs.

With all of what has gone on there is some sense of satisfaction in making it to this point. However, we understand that now the real work begins! In Matthews gospel shortly before Jesus would ascend into heaven He commissioned His church to “Go and make disciples of all the nation…”   Now that we have all the other support things in place we can fully concentrate on making disciples of Christ not just church goers. If you are not sure what the difference is come join us and find out.

Your Servant in Christ

Pastor Brian