Summer Sabbath

During May I took some time to evaluate the progress of Son’s Life Missionary Church to this point. It has been very exciting. We started public worship services in September 2013. At that same time we began work on renovating the bank to a church. By Christmas we were worshiping in the renovated building.

January saw us finishing things in the building even as we were using it. During February we started our after school children’s ministry’s and our Youth Ministry’s. In March and April we complete all the legal work to become a Michigan Corporation and a full member of the Missionary Church! we grew for our group of people to the point where we are now averaging over 50 people in worship each Sunday. Even recording all these events makes me tired!

For that reason after a time of prayerful reflection I have decided that for the summer Son’s Life Missionary Church and our people are going o take some Sabbath time to regroup and with the help of the Holy Spirit to plot out the next portion of our journey. So for the summer we will not start any new ministries. We will continue to worship on Sunday have time of gatherings and prayer as well as fellowship. Check our web site for up coming events and be in prayer with me as we plan for the fall and the launch of new ministries and outreach projects.

Your Servant in Christ

Pastor Brian