
Son’s Life Missionary Church is Kingdom minded.  It matters more to us that an individual is growing in their relationship with Christ than if they attend this church.  All of our weekly Bible studies are open to the public.  We invite people to come and learn about God during the week and then if you are comfortable with your home church return to your home church on Sunday morning.  If you are looking for a home church we would be glad to have you visit us.

One of the goals of Son’s Life Missionary Church is to become an active part of our community.  We believe that in order for the church to function in our fast pace, ever changing world, we need to be taking Christ to our communities instead of just waiting for the people of the community to come to us.

Son’s Life is making an intentional effort to

1. Seek God and His will for us, and then

2. Be Faithful to the work that he puts in front of us.

One of the ways that we believe we are being faithful to that work, is to make our building, people, and resources available to the community.  we have been in this building since Christmas of 2013 and have opened our doors for all kinds of events, such as an air conditioned rest stop during the Hot days of The Sugar Festival, or a place for parents to warm up with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate while their kids play on the bouncy toys during the Moonlight Madness Festival.  We have hosted the judging for the princes and princess of The Sugar Festival.  We have also had the “church has left the building” days when instead of worshiping in our building on a Sunday morning, we go and serve individuals in the community.

God has blessed us and we want to give back to the community, not take from it.

The other way that we are being faithful is by being intentional about sharing Christ in our communities. Our members do prayer walks around town and in different areas in which we pray for the people of our community to come to know and understand God in a deeper and more significant way.  We also ask for God to show and provide us with ways to share Him and his message to our community.

We know that this is a lot of work but we know we serve a Big God and that as long as we seek Him and His will and are faithful to the work that he puts in front of us then we can and will accomplish any task that God provides us to do.

Serving in Christ,

Pastor Justin