Gearing up for Fall

With Labor Day now behind us we begin the much more routine driven fall months. In the life of the church we will again start weekly Sunday School, after school Children’s Ministry and youth groups. It is also a time to get back into other routines which may have slipped over the course of a READ MORE

Summer Sabbath

During May I took some time to evaluate the progress of Son’s Life Missionary Church to this point. It has been very exciting. We started public worship services in September 2013. At that same time we began work on renovating the bank to a church. By Christmas we were worshiping in the renovated building. January READ MORE

Next Steps

Today I mailed into our Regional office all the paper work to become an fully affiliated Missionary Church. It has been a long process! I first met with the group of Missionary church Pastors here in Sebewaing almost 7 years ago.  We did an overnight retreat at Bayshore Camp and considered the possibilities of planting a church READ MORE